Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Thanks to Nvidia that i got an opportunity to visit Japan and i do consider myself really fortunate after visiting this amazing country.......

Unlike Europe and US, Japan is so different i felt everything in this country was so unique.

The most appealing thing for me was the Japanese people i found them exteremely polite, helpful and humble their helping nature would cross the language barrier as well.

I was in the city called Yokohama second largest city in Japan not very far from Tokyo, it was one of the beautiful cities i have visited and the strange thing is though this country is not blessed with much scenic beauty still it appears so beautiful because of the way it is planned, organized and maintained..........and the warm hearted people makes this place even more beautiful. This city do have tall buildings but it is not at all crowded and is very quite even at the peak hour. The climate at this time of the year was exteremely cold it was almost freezing...

Another amazing thing about this country is the bullet train 180mph and to watch Mt Fuji early morning from the bullet train was an experience in itself......

At a 2hr train journey from Yokohama there is another city called Kyoto which was the capital of Japan in old times and it is considered to be the oldest Japanese city and there you get to experience the real Japanese flavour the traditional people, food, scenic beauty etc i couldnt visit this city due to lack of time but if i get an opportunity next time i will surely give a visit to Kyoto.....

Yes and a myth about the country that you dont get vegetarian food in Japan.......you very much get vegetarian food yes they do have vegetarian dishes on their menu you only need to know the local language to read it..... :)